Saturday, May 9, 2009

Project Two: Enabling Sustainability

Second major project for Studio 3A is about enabling sustainability within a community. Our focus area is the New College on campus.

First of all, here are my 3 concepts for infusing sustainable impact on New College:



Basically it's a dormitory overloaded with approx. 280 students from UNSW, with around 56 students on each floor, mixed genders.

Some concerns with their energy / water consumption: 24-hour access to cordial machines & refrigerated beverages, undercarpet heating that turns on at certain intervals during the winter days (for the whole building, even when students may not be inside the rooms), 24-hr air-conditioning of the computer room to keep the server cool, unregulated use of the $2 washing machines (2 on each floor, 4 floors in total), etc.

Basically my idea behind each concept is by providing visual and interactive communication within the environment so the students can be readily informed and behaviourally ameliorated towards a sustainable norm.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MDG Final Presentation

Havn't been able to upload my progress, but here's my final presentation posters:

1. A redesign of an existing medical apparatus to make it more affordable and accessible for Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA) and skilled midwives.

2. Extend the postnatal survival time by reducing PPH; and even to allow transportation time of patient to the nearest hospital.

3. Distribute and promote the use of contraceptive devices, e.g. condoms within the slum communities, in conjunction with health organizations and the government.

4. Incorporate a sterilization system with local hospitals for reuse of the pump components.

5. The bellow is calculated to contain approx. 120ml per segment. The adoption of the bellow structure is to allow observation between inflations whether bleeding has stopped or not.

6. The top also allows ergonomic maneuver to vacuum out and retrieve the saline inside the intrauterine condom.


1. Saline liquid used in hospitals can be concocted domestically by the midwife herself [0.9% salt + 99.1% boiled water = saline liquid].

2. Based on substantial experiments, the combination of a filled condom and catheter is effective in reducing PPH. Hence the midwife is only required to purchase the pump pack which accomplishes both the inflating and deflating tasks of the saline solution, whereas in hospitals the tasks are done by separate methods.

3. If in need of replacement of components, the inflation needle and condom sizes are designed to be compatible against the average existing products. The catheter can even be replaced with a 15 French (=5mm) medical catheter donated by hospitals.

4. Materials: HDPE for the pump component, medical-grade PU for the catheter.

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