Sunday, August 24, 2008

Final Research

Just doing some final researches on business cards and the scanner mechanisms... Wanted to make sure that in the next 5 years time my design will actually be possible in the making.

History of BC

Scanner System
This one was really helpful in the sense that although it provided the structures and everything in the traditional CCD scanner, but it also made a point about the latest CIS (contact image sensor) which is the more efficient and less expensive substitute in terms of manufacturing; and it got me into deeper research:

CMOS Image Sensors
CMOS is what they use for quality photography cameras nowadays which are also adopted for mobile phone cameras - so this in terms of size and image quality I think would be really good for my scanning device

Then I looked into how the mechanisms really work... in order to show it in my CAD general assembly drawing

Took me a few days to find these links (went through a dozen random ones... was on the edge of needing to call experts up) but at least it wasn't all in vain!

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